English fun in the evening (A2 and B1)
During the months of June and July we offer an evening class for games, activities and fun with the English language to everybody who can follow a basic conversation in English.
We cater for your wishes, needs and interests - let us know what you want to do. For the first evening you have to take what you get :-)
We will do games with different vobulary fields, different tasks for different levels. We might listen to some dialogues, do roleplays ... wait and see ...
Kursnr.: SA406-210
Beginn: Mi., 16.07.2025, 18:30 - 20:00 Uhr
Dauer: 4 x
Kursort: Rigi Center Kurszentrum, Mehrzweckraum
Gebühr: 42,00 €
Hauptstr. 116
82380 Peissenberg