English fun in the morning (A2 and B1)
During the months of June and July we offer a morning class for games, activities and fun with the English language to everybody who can follow a basic conversation in English.
We cater for your wishes, needs and interests - let us know what you want to do. For the first morning you have to take what you get :-)
We will do games with different vobulary fields, different tasks for different levels.
We might listen to some dialogues, do roleplays ... wait and see ...
Kursnr.: QA406-208
Beginn: Mi., 26.06.2024, 09:00 - 10:30 Uhr
Dauer: 4 x
Kursort: Rigi Center Kurszentrum, Mehrzweckraum
Gebühr: 36,00 €
Für diesen Kurs sind keine Termine vorhanden.