Practice your English - Communication in English (B1)
This course is for you if you can understand the main points of a conversation which uses a clear standard English. We will focus on the speaking skills to increase our vocabulary and our grammar skills. Input from the course members when it comes to topics, grammar repetition or any other features of the course are warmly welcomed. We will look at texts, play games to practise our vocabulary or grammar structures - altogether a lively course, come and see for yourself.
Please check your B1 level either with the European Framework or with your tutor. You can also do an 'Einstufungstest' online either through the VHS homepage or publishers like Klett.
Kursnr.: SA406-302
Beginn: Di., 18.02.2025, 18:15 - 19:45 Uhr
Dauer: 9 x
Kursort: Rigi Center Kurszentrum, Mehrzweckraum
Gebühr: 94,50 €
Hauptstr. 116
82380 Peissenberg