Refresher Course (B1) am Vormittag
The Wednesday Morning English course is continuing the work with the book Refresh Now, Klett (ISBN 978-3-12-605189-7). We have reached unit 8 (approx) and go along the book, while also having lots of fun. Different game activities are included in the course to practice different grammar structures. We also look at cultural differences or similarities in England/America and Germany. Our aim is to practice the four basic skills: speaking, reading, writing, listening. We are welcoming new members to our group. Don't be afraid, come and see for yourself how much fun we have.
Kursbuch: Refresh Now, Klett ISBN 978-3-12-605189-7
Kursnr.: SA406-303
Beginn: Mi., 19.02.2025, 09:00 - 10:30 Uhr
Dauer: 9 x
Kursort: Rigi Center Kurszentrum, Mehrzweckraum
Gebühr: 94,50 €
Hauptstr. 116
82380 Peissenberg